Artificial Urinary Sphincter (Aus)
Stephen Kimball2020-01-21T17:02:06+00:00WHAT IS AN AUS? This is a device that has a cuff that goes around the urethra, a pump in the [...]
WHAT IS AN AUS? This is a device that has a cuff that goes around the urethra, a pump in the [...]
Slings are appropriate for men with mild-moderate incontinence (less than 3 pads per day). Slings “boost” up the urethra, restoring support to [...]
Products that absorb urine. These include diapers and pads. Although they are very helpful, many men are dissatisfied with the smell and [...]
Incontinence (involuntary loss of urine) may be a devastating problem, resulting in embarrassment, loss of intimacy, and even social isolation. We describe [...]
Urinary incontinence is a common condition that can affect men and women of all ages. There are a few different categories that [...]